Friday, June 26, 2009

100 Calorie Packs

I like to eat. I've already said that. And sometimes I can be very compulsive about it. More times that I care to admit, I've sat down to have one or a couple of something and ended up surprised to discover I'd finished the whole package.

But I discovered a way to control the compulsiveness...

Each morning I measure and package 100 calorie increments of a variety of foods. I aim to put together 10-12 different things, covering the different food groups, as well as a few treat. I pack it all into a nifty, and pretty, lunch bag and keep with with me wherever I go.

So, if I'm running errands and I get the urge to eat, I can pull something out of my bag. If I'm driven to eat, eat, eat I can pull several items out of the bag. But that's all I have with me for the day, until dinner time. I can't accidentally polish off an entire package of anything and I'm not as tempted to stop and buy junk food if I already have stuff with me.

Some of my favorites...
12 cheddar cheese mini rice cakes
9 kalamata olives
4 dark chocolate Hershey Kisses
1 sliced Granny Smith apple
a small container of grilled chicken
1 mozzarella string cheese
a small container of watermelon cubes
a small container of berries
9 slices of low-fat black forest ham
low fat yogurt
steamed broccoli with vinaigrette
small baggy of baby carrots

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